BoingBall-transferanim for Ibrowse. ----------------------------------- This is a TransferAnimation for Ibrowse I made with Torando3D v2.0. I created this anim since I wanted to try out the Material morphing in Tornado. After requests I have made this animation in a 24 bit version too. Hope you like this animation! *NEW* Moved the light a little, now the boingball looks better. Installation: ------------- Start shell, then goto your Ibrowse/images/ directory. Then type the following command to back up the original transferanim: copy def_transferanimation to def_transferanimation.bak Next copy the def_transferanimation that you unpacked from this archive to the Ibrowse/Images directory, with this commands (if you unpacked to ram: also make sure that you're still in the Ibrowse/images directory): copy ram:def_transferanimation to def_transferanimation copy to If you want to use the 24bit version. ------------------------------------- Just copy the files def_transferanim_24bit and to your Ibrowse/images/ directory and renamne them to def_transferanimation and Enjoy! /Robert Nilsson email: